Saturday, September 21, 2024

Online registration

9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Event Flyer

Clinicians: Ellie Hodder, Shelley Giaier, Kendra Symonds and Members of Pacific Ringers

Who will benefit: Every handbell director and musician. Truthfully? We’re still trying to right ourselves after the pandemic. Programs may be smaller. Musicians are fewer in number. “If you have one musician, then you have a program!” Come. Gather with friends and colleagues. Be re-energized and gain renewed focus!!

Our workshop will turn the usual pattern of “ring a bunch of music, take a class together, repeat” on its ear! We will do all of that but in shorter segments focusing on one thing at a time to learn it well.

Conducting—not only “how to” but what the heck is the conductor trying to tell me?

  • Tempo changes, communicating rubato, etc. Yes, our musicians know what these are by definition, but how do we teach them to respond?
  • How to rehearse one group of musicians without losing the focus of the rest of the choir. Yes, even keeping everyone engaged while the basses set up for the next piece!

Ringing Together. There are many reproducible books available now. Some for small ensembles–8 bells and piano, 2-3 octaves and more. We will use reproducible literature from several publishers and send you home with a list of possibilities for those and others which may not be represented. There’s lots we can all learn and teach from these books!

Ensemble-building activities to help us create exciting music and much more:

  • Cross body brain exercises
  • Games and exercises to enhance tracking, reaction and following activities that strengthen skill in applying those to ringing

Location: Murray Hills Christian Church

15050 SW Weir Road

Beaverton, OR 97007

Google Maps

Cost: $35 (includes healthy lunch) pre-registered. or $40 day of. Pay here.


Our Clinicians

Ellie Hodder

Ellie Hodder is a well-known teacher and clinician. Ellie is passionate about learning and teaching. The more we learn, the better our music making! Ellie is Director of Music Ministries at Murray Hills Christian Church in Beaverton, OR, Founder of Pacific Ringers community handbell choir, the Pacific Northwest Handbell Directors/Musicians Forum, and Coppers Classic, the nation’s premier event for coppers level musicians.

Shelley Giaier

She has been ringing and directing handbells for 40 years in Michigan, Iowa, New Jersey and Oregon. She is a retired speech and language therapist who worked with children on the autism spectrum. Shelley became interested in brain function while treating many children and saw how that information related to handbell ringing. She implemented brain exercises into her handbells rehearsals many years ago and was spurred on by Tim Waugh. Shelly serves as chair of Area 10.

Kendra Symonds

Kendra lives in Beaverton and teaches secondary music in the greater Portland area. She has been ringing handbells since age 11 and has extensive experience conducting adult and youth choral and instrumental ensembles. Additionally, she has served as Chair of HMA, Area 12, and is on the Education Committee for the national board. Kendra holds a master’s degree in music education and is the Administrative Coordinator for San Jose State University’s Summer Masters in Music Ed program. She enjoys cooking and fun with her 2 toddlers.

And Members of Pacific Ringers