
We are dedicated to providing the opportunity for ringers to excel through practice together, through education, and through performance. Pacific Ringers strive to foster excitement for handbells within the ensemble and also in the larger handbell community.

What We’re About

Pacific Ringers is a Portland-based, adult community handbell ensemble. We are musicians who desire to ring at our highest potential and with others of similar passion for the instrument. We strive to create a supportive environment where learning and tackling musical challenges is encouraged and growing together as a community of ringers is fun.

The Ensemble

All ringers will have the opportunity to rotate within positions for learning purposes and all ringers will have the opportunity to participate in concerts and other performances.

Who May Join? — We want YOU!!

Our ensemble is open, without audition, to ringers who are fluent in AGEHR Coppers level music (levels 3-4).

Our goal is to teach and to work together to perfect skills.

While we recognize that ringers may come with a variety of skills (fluent–or not!–in four-in-hand, weaving, working with large bass bells, etc.), all are welcome who are open to learning new skills and willing to commit to outside practice.
